
Electricians Dalkeith

Dalkeith Electrical Services

Looking for trustworthy electricians in Dalkeith with 5-star service and genuinely care for the quality of their craft? Then get in touch with PWA Electrical Services.

We’ve got local Dalkeith electricians working either in your suburb or in neighbouring suburbs of Claremont, Nedlands and Cottesloe on a daily basis, so we’re never far away. This local knowledge of means that we’re familiar with the area and the little electrical idiosyncrasies that come with it, whether you’re in one of the first built Dalkeith homes, heavily renovated or a completely new build.

Dalkeith electrician
Dalkeith electrician

5-Star Service

We’ll never be the cheapest Perth electricians – and with good reason. We do what’s best for you (and not what’s best for us) when it comes to sourcing parts, fixtures and fittings. We’ll never install cheap parts to cut our costs and also never install something unnecessarily expensive to make a mark-up. We just put in what’s going to do the best job at the most affordable price. It’s just part of the reason why we’re able to back up all of our work with a generous workmanship guarantee.

Not only do we make sure the parts, fixtures and fittings in your home are more than adequate, we employ some of the best electricians Perth has to offer.

With the right training, extensive experience and a genuine care for our craft, you can expect nothing less than a 5-star electrical service from a polite and friendly technician to the quality of electrical work.

Here for You Day and Night

Whether you’ve woken up to a freezing cold shower or come after work, try to switch on the lights, and find out you have no power – PWA Electrical Services are here for you 24/7.

With vans fully stocked up and ready to go at anytime of the day or night; our Perth electricians can get your electrical problems fixed right there on the spot.

Whilst our after-hours electrical services do come with a surcharge, our prices are still reasonable, affordable and we never try to take advantage of you when you’re in need.



Enquire now and chat with one of our friendly team members.

When you hire PWA Electrical Services, we’re working to keep your business for the long-run. And you can tell by the way we communicate, behave and work in and around your home. It’s why so many of our customers not only keep using us as their electricians but also continually refer their friends, family and co-workers to us.

If you haven’t used PWA Electrical Services before, get in touch online or call us on (08) 9209 2990 and get ready to meet “your electrician” who you can count on for all of your electrical needs.

We look forward to working with you.